About Us

GivingFire is committed to a new form of donation management: every single donation accepted and managed within one transparent, easy-to-use system that blesses both the donors and the administrators.

Our history

In early 2010, church leader John Driftmier ran operations for a large church while helping church plants set up operations and finances. One church planter had been able to get all of the administrative tasks done in order to get the new church started, but one critical task remained - accepting credit cards for donations. The pastor turned to John for help - all of the existing systems were complex with confusing pricing structures, or didn't have the donor management utilities that a church planter could easily use to manage his church. John couldn't find a good solution, so he built a team to start a new venture created to help churches raise long-term financial stability - GivingFire.

GivingFire has grown since that initial start, but our core focus is the same - we're here to make donations "just work" for churches and non-profits. No complex pricing structure and no hidden fees. We make sure that a church planter with no accounting experience can not only understand our reports, but use them to grow their church. We make sure that donors have as many donation options as possible - cash/check, kiosk, online - and that the entire process is simple and doesn't take away from the organization's mission.

Our core commitments

Donations exist to support your mission. We know that behind each donation is there to support a child in Africa or to fund a mission. Donations are essential to your organization, but a side focus to the real task at hand. Therefore, GivingFire must be more than card processing or donations - it's about supporting your goals. If something goes wrong, it's more than just a banking issue for us - there's a real need hindered. With this in mind, we have three primary goals for GivingFire:

Support your organization, staff, and volunteers

Our first goal is helping you power your organization and then getting out of the way. We know you're stretched thin enough without having to learn a bulky, unintuitive, unhelpful system. We're here to solve problems and heal pain points - sometimes before you've even voiced them.

Remove barriers for donors

Every feature is built around making donations simpler and easier for all involved. That means we'll spend a large amount of time on as many payment options, technology, funds, methods, and reports as possible to remove barriers to donations.

Create a product we can be proud of

Honestly, if we wanted to make more money we wouldn't build a product for non-profits. The margins are not great. Every staff member works on GivingFire because they want to. Most of us actively donate to a church that uses GivingFire, so we know what it's like to use. We're constantly improving to make GivingFire absolutely outstanding because we think you deserve quality software, caring support, fair rates, and honesty. If someone else was already doing that, we'd build something else, but right now the alternatives are not that great.